Welcome to HushTags!

Where you can share your creativity with the world utilizing our app and encoded sticker to Leave Your Mark™ for others to discover, unlock, and view with their cell phone or smart watch's tap technology.


Download the free HushTags app to create your messages.


Add your messages to a HushTags sticker with the app. If it's on your phone, it can be added to our tap tech sticker.


Leave your stickers around town or school, or secretly share it with a friend to be discovered, tapped and your message revealed.

Express yourself anonymously or privately like never before

Your only limits are your imagination for creating the messages you want to share — from words, to images, to video, or audio. You can share a simple message or an elaborate production. Either way, it's up to you to decide what you want to share of yourself with the world and where you want to Leave Your Mark™.

All of your data is discreet, secure, and encrypted

You decide if the message is private (only accessible by one person) or public. All of the control is in your hands with our app and your sticker placement.


Unlike other social networks, your HushTags message exchange happens anonymously. You can create and share with an audience you'll most likely never meet or get a response from. It's a way to share what you're thinking, feeling or working on without all of the usual social feedback. It's anti-social sharing ... a release of information that can help to set your mind free!

Intriguing Discovery

With the HushTags sticker, you never know what you'll find. Stickers are left behind to be discovered and messages unlocked. Is it a secret message or a discovery of an up-and-coming artist? It's intrigue on a whole new level that will leave the explorer in you searching for more.

Whether you're a creator, explorer, or both

HushTags lets you express yourself, entertain the world or discover unique messages left behind. Now there's a new way to empower your creativity or pique your curiosity with HushTags!